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Saturday, July 27, 2024
Home Tags Globalisation

Tag: Globalisation

Frontiers of fashion

We overestimate the importance of short-term political change, and underestimate the significance of deep-seated societal difference.

Don’t just do it

When should a government intervene in the market? It is not clear what New Labour thinks is the answer.

A German lesson

The great German experiment teaches us a great deal. One of the lessons is that microeconomic policy is of critical important.

Investment quality

Does it matter if all of Britain's electricity generating companies are owned by Americans? Neither laissez-faire nor chauvinism is the appropriate response to foreign ownership.

A Theory of the Social Market

The communitarian view of politics and society - whereby our actions and views are inseperable from the communities in which we live - is not incompatible with mainstream economic thinking. Rather, it heightens our understanding of how markets work.

Of fortunes and foresight

Will the dominant firms of the next century be the ones that show foresight and react quickly? Many of the best companies work simply by doing traditional business very, very well.

Globalisation of the skies

Many firms have aspirations to “go global”, but this unanimity disguises both differences and confusion.

Clear thinking muddied by competitiveness

We would do better to stop talking about competitiveness. It seems only to get in the way of clear thinking.

Threats to Bill Gates and the internet

Can Microsoft maintain its dominance of the world computer market? Is there a long term future for the Internet unless it falls into the hands of a small group of firms?

ESRC lecture 1994 – Is There a Competitive Advantage of Nations?

Competitive advantage is based, not on doing what others already do well, but on doing what others cannot do as well. Not only is this true for individuals and for firms, but for countries as well.

