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Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Tag: Globalisation

Robust and Resilient Finance

Support for this paper was gratefully received from the Korea Institute of Finance, which has published it here. Abstract

Trump victory has its roots in the post cold-war settlement

There is wide agreement that Brexit and Trump's election were caused by economics. But this and the prescriptions - tweaks to the income distribution, more aid to failing industries and districts - understate the scale and nature of the problem.

The changing – and unchanging? – nature of the company town

The decline of manufacturing industry had been associated with the decline of the company town. In contrast, service companies have always tended to be fragmented. And yet there is one service industry which is conducted in large plants, in which people travel hundreds or even thousands of miles to consume the product, and which has been conducted in company towns not just for decades, but centuries.

The economics and politics of manufacturing fetishism

As politicians vie with each other to express their love of manufacturing industry, John pulls together thoughts developed over three decades on what he has come to call the 'manufacturing fetish'.

Why the European Union is not the United States of Europe

Many visions of Europe are driven by rivalry the United States of America. In this article I describe one which welcomes European integration, sees a European identity as a complement to national identity, not a substitute for it, and does not equate ‘ever closer union’ with additional powers for supra-national institutions in Brussels and Strasbourg.

Trade debate in EU referendum should focus on UK as world...

Britain has a trade surplus in almost every service sector except tourism. As a result, world trade negotiations have not played to British strengths because advanced economies tend to trade freely in manufactures but retain home-country bias in their purchases of services. This should frame any debate on trade in the EU referendum.

Top nations like Denmark do well without pushing others around

We once suffered from Norman Angell’s “Great Illusion” that prosperity was the product of aggressive control of territory and resources — and now we know better. The wealth of Denmark is instead built on exporting bacon and drugs to control diabetes — an appropriate combination — around the world.

In an interconnected world it remains hard to make borders go...

More than twenty years have passed since the creation of the single European market and the Schengen common travel area. And yet while much appears to have changed, more has remained the same.

The pitfalls of a north Atlantic free trade area

The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership is currently being negotiated between America and the EU. My instinct is to approve, but the international handling of investor-state disputes may have some nasty side effects.

Drizzle alone will not provide a path to prosperity

The correlation between a temperate climate and economic prosperity is clear and striking. What are the causes?

