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Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Tag: Competition

Capturing the regulators

A new book by Financial Times journalist Dan McCrum tells the story of Wirecard. The German company, which acted as a payment processor (an...

Why competitiveness should not become a goal for the FCA

The promotion of competition is  an existing aim of financial regulation. But in proposals around the Future Regulatory Framework in the Queen’s...

Should big tech be broken up?

Yes, says Vince Cable The online landscape is dominated by a handful of tech titans, with nine in 10 internet searches made through Google, 99...

Asset managers should compete on philosophy and style

The asset management sector in the UK is very competitive, but not very price competitive. This apparent paradox runs through the FCA’s report on asset management, but is never adequately recognised or explained. But only by acknowledging it can regulators help to create an industry which works better for investors and for the economy as a whole.

What Uber and another John Kay teach us about innovation and...

Uber's superior service threatens London's black-cab drivers, just as (my namesake) John Kay's flying shuttle eventually led to rebellion by out-of-work Luddites in the 19th century. The losers from such innovations should in some circumstances be compensated. But restricting competition is against the public interest.

Rail privatisation has delivered improvements through accountability and autonomy

Both the leading candidates for the leadership of Britain’s opposition Labour party have now committed themselves to renationalising the country’s railways. But the state-owned British Rail was one if the most reviled institutions in the UK, and privatisation has delivered many relative benefits.

The best strategy is to be good at whatever it is...

Michael Porter warned on the danger of being “stuck in the middle”. Companies, he said, must either gain a cost advantage or emphasise product differentiation. But what really matters is enjoying a competitive advantage in the market position you choose.

Authors should back Amazon in the battle with Hachette

Established companies in all industries are inhibited in their response to radical change by vested interests inherent in their existing business models. Now, in publishing, it's time for the author to be placed where he or she should be - in charge.

Competition in banking does not necessarily benefit consumers

Limited competition may actually yield worse results for customers than either full-blooded competition or a cartel. Perhaps that explains the particularly tentative approach of the Competition and Markets Authority.

Regulators will get the blame for the stupidity of crowds

Just as dammed water finds new channels of escape, crowdfunding seems to provide a way around the blockage.

