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Wednesday, May 8, 2024
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Tag: Economy

Politicians cannot be trusted to set the fiscal rules

On the last of these comments on the UK fiscal framework John considers the impact and role of borrowing limits

Accounting rules for public duty and private failure

What are the similarities, and the differences, between the uses and needs of accounting in the public and private sectors?

Scotland’s sense of injustice blights its future

John describes the eonomic agenda for Scotland following the SNP's latest victory, in the light of the continuing legacy of an apocryphal account of Scottish history.

Brown’s rules are a flawed basis for policy

The Treasury's fiscal principles - the golden rule and the sustainable investment rule - have failed for reasons similar to those that explain the failure of targets in other areas of the public sector.

Forget the meltdown, worry about goo and asteroids

To celebrate the 100th anniversary of our successful escape from extinction by the Tunguska meteorite, John examines the economics of the end of the world.

Rhetoric will never feed the world’s hungry

We make the poor better off not by holding back technical and economic progress, but by accelerating it.

Seeing is believing when it comes to inflation

Perceptions of inflation are formed, not by the ONS, but by the most salient prices.

An innumerate mistake haunting the government

Do not tinker with the tax system for short-term political advantage. Tax is always more complicated than you think and the results come back to haunt you.

More regulation will not prevent next crisis

Regulation in a market economy is targeted at specific market failures and should not be a charter for the general scrutiny of business strategies of private business.

Just think, the fees you could charge Buffett

Warren Buffett's emergence as the world's richest man illustrates the power of compound interest. Warren neither pays nor makes management charges. The effect is larger than you would believe possible.

