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Tag: Stakeholding

Moving Beyond “Capitalism”

https://soundcloud.com/curioio/john-kay-moving-beyond/s-1dfFJ I wish we would stop using the word Capitalism. It is a 19th-century term, derived from 19th-century economic philosophy. But today people who would run...

The concept of the corporation

This is a paper John delivered at a festschrift for Leslie Hannah, the leading British business historian of his (and my) generation. Les and I have been friends and colleagues since we were both young fellows of St Johns College Oxford in the 1970s and my first book, Concentration in Modern Industry, published in 1977, was co-authored with him.

The purpose of the corporation

Listen to John's keynote speech at the Creating Sustainable Companies Summit (Brussels, September 2016).

The Investor Forum and Sports Direct

One of the principal recommendations of the Kay Review of equity markets, which reported in 2012 to Vince Cable, the Secretary of State for...

Labour Party’s economic rethink should focus on good corporations

The UK's Labour Party failed to provide a convincing economic narrative and duly lost the 2015 general election. In future it would do well to recognise the role it can play in promoting good corporations; reestablishing the political and social legitimacy of the market economy.

Drug companies are built in labs, not boardrooms

The history of ICI and the British pharmaceutical industry may provide some pointers to show how shareholders and policymakers should react to Pfizer's bid for Astra Zeneca.

Time for the Big Society to get down to the nitty-gritty

A small fraction of the ingenuity devoted to the construction of complex financial instruments that no one should want could advantageously be applied to the construction of less complex instruments that meet the needs of the Big Society.

How to spot a good from a bad quango

Good quangos have specific technical expertise and their purpose is to take issues out of politics. Bad quangos have no distinctive skills and are designed to put issues into politics.

Robber barons of the Rhine

The distinction between the creation and the appropriation of wealth is vital, if not always clear. But our ability to recognise it will determine, not just the fate of individuals, but the future of modern capitalism.

We should all have a say in how banks are reformed

More competition and a reduction of the conflicts of interest between different financial services activities is the antidote to gouging. The separation of retail and investment banking would begin a move away from the transaction-focused, sales-driven culture of recent years and reassert the development of long-term relationships with customers.

