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Tag: Industry Analysis

Innovation is not about wearing a white coat

Like all business success, innovative success is based on matching capabilities to market.

The real cost to business of government guarantees

The most effective control is other parties’ diligence in assessing the businesses with which they deal.

How the market proved no panacea for BT

If you aim to create a dynamic, successful business, a state-owned utility is not the place to start.

How the skies proved the limits of regulation

Regulation as supervision can be simultaneously extensive and intrusive, yet ineffective and prone to regulatory capture. History suggests that supervision is rarely a success.

Future of Investing

The assessment of the value of new products is best carried out, not by manufacturers nor regulators but by retailers in close touch with the needs of their customers.

Banks must learn to put the customer first

If financial institutions are to survive, they must behave more like supermarkets

Everyday banking with no bill to the taxpayer

Government underwriting of deposits should be matched by assets of comparable quality. Otherwise the mismatch of risk provides an unjustifiable public subsidy to the banking sector.

Narrow Banking

The Reform of Banking Regulation We should spend less time trying to ensure that our regulators can regulate financial behemoths with turnovers bigger than the...

‘Tailgating’ in financial markets puts us all at risk

In the unlikely event that the G20 leaders can spare a few moments between photo opportunities and ritual denunciation of greedy bankers, they might give urgent attention to the question of how to extricate themselves from the underwriting of failed banks.

Banks brought down by new Peter Principle

It is particularly easy for those who work in financial institutions to make the mistake of believing that their success is the result of exceptional skill rather than good fortune. Until vanity is vanquished, I anticipate that diversification to the level of incompetence will continue to be a powerful element in business behaviour.

