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Risk, the retail investor and disastrous new rules

I am a board director of Scottish Mortgage Investment Trust (SMIT), a £6bn investment fund based in Edinburgh. You can receive material about the...

I Kid you not, new European rules rely on a bent...

European regulations which came into force at the start of the year require many providers of Prips (packaged retail investment products) to produce a...

Why the European Union is not the United States of Europe

Many visions of Europe are driven by rivalry the United States of America. In this article I describe one which welcomes European integration, sees a European identity as a complement to national identity, not a substitute for it, and does not equate ‘ever closer union’ with additional powers for supra-national institutions in Brussels and Strasbourg.

Solutions to the Greek debt crisis should be found through pragmatism...

The Greek crisis is not simply the result of Athens’ inept public administration but also of an extensive carry trade on eurozone convergence by northern European banks, notably in France and Germany, which obtained short-term profits by matching northern eurozone liabilities with southern eurozone assets. For every foolish borrower there is usually a foolish lender.

The pitfalls of a north Atlantic free trade area

The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership is currently being negotiated between America and the EU. My instinct is to approve, but the international handling of investor-state disputes may have some nasty side effects.

Why worry about deflation?

Our perception that inflation is the normal condition is no more than a reflection of the experience of people alive today. And there is no qualitative difference between an economy in which prices are rising slightly and one in which prices are falling slightly.

English law cannot stop Scots being sterling squatters

In today’s world of global business and finance, people make agreements in whatever currency they like and under whatever legal system they choose.

For truth on immigration, look to the Bard not politicians

Politicians, like gang bosses and football fans, routinely attempt to establish or reinforce their leadership by inciting hostility to other groups.

They may not find a Jobs – but Pisa tests lean...

To say comparisons of academic performance are always imperfect and open to revision is not to say they cannot be made at all.

The oft-forgotten basics of negotiation

Negotiations over Scottish independence are framed by the observation that neither the rest of the UK nor the EU has anything significant to gain from such negotiation – or any wish to conduct such negotiation at all.

