10 Years after the failure of Lehman Brothers: What have we learned?

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    Date(s) - 14/09/2018
    10:00 am - 11:30 am

    OECD Conference Centre


    The 2008 crisis was caused by a failure to run and to regulate competently the global economy and the firms that dominate it. This allowed huge imbalances to build up, and, when they reached a tipping point where they could no longer sustain their own weight, failure was sudden and brutal. The crisis revealed how some of the very strengths that had allowed the economy to expand, such as interconnectedness in its many guises, could be just as potent in provoking or aggravating its downfall. In this panel, key players in the crisis will draw lessons from what was happening in the financial system and how their instituions reacted.

    Chair: John Kay, Financial Times

    Keynote address: Jean-Claude Trichet, Former President of the European Central Bank


    • Irena Sodin, Ambassador to the OECD, Permanent Representative of Slovenia
    • John Llewellyn, Former Chief Global Economist, Lehman Brothers
    • Greg Medcraft, Director of OECD Directorate for Financial and Enterprise Affairs 

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